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Stay Active Working When Pregnant

Having pregnancy while continuing to work is not easy. But don't worry, there are things you can do to be able to continue to actively work while pregnant. Most women can go through pregnancy without quitting their jobs. Even so, of course there are adjustments that must be made while working while pregnant, so as not to affect your health and productivity.

Complaints during Pregnancy

In order to work well while keeping your fetus and yourself healthy, be sure to understand the complaints that arise during pregnancy and your own ability to live through them.
  • Nausea and Vomiting To overcome nausea for women who work during pregnancy, find out what makes you nauseous. For example, the aroma of coffee or microwavable foods. You should avoid these things. The steps to overcome nausea can be done by preparing healthy and delicious snacks for pregnant women. Practical snacks such as biscuits and foods that have a bland taste can be the right choice. Healthy snacks can keep blood sugar stable and help relieve nausea.
  • However, nausea and vomiting can occur at any time. Generally occurs in the morning or called morning sickness. However, some women can experience nausea and vomiting several times a day.
  • Easily Tired Pregnancy will make you feel tired more quickly. This can be caused by lack of iron in your body. Add red meat, nautical food, and green vegetables rich in iron and protein into your daily menu. Don't forget to drink lots of water while you are at work. Maintaining fitness can also increase your energy to work while pregnant. Take the time to stand and walk for a few moments between work, for example at lunch or after work. Most importantly, do not overdo it in doing so by taking time off when tired. Try to rest every few moments. You can try sitting in a dark room, lifting your legs and closing your eyes to overcome fatigue. Make sure you sleep about 8 hours a day. Lying on your left side will optimize blood flow to the fetus in the womb while reducing swelling. Add a pillow between the legs and under the stomach so that you feel more comfortable. Reduce outside activities so that you have enough time to rest after your work time is finished. If you do not have a household assistant, you can ask your husband for help in completing homework.

Avoid Risky Work Environments and Excessive Work

A risky work environment for pregnant women is not always synonymous with heavy workloads. For example, you should avoid work that requires you to stand all the time can have an impact on the size of your fetus. Research shows, women who work more than 40 hours in five days with standing conditions, most likely give birth to a fetus with a lower weight than the fetus in general. Jobs that require you to stand for long periods of time or involve too much physical activity can also cause you to develop hypertension during pregnancy and premature birth. Use comfortable footwear and support the structure of your feet so that it can help you be more comfortable doing activities. Using shoes with short heels of around 3cm is known to help support the spine during pregnancy compared to flat shoes. If necessary, ask for a moment of rest, when the body feels tired. Also pay attention to the chair that you use to work during pregnancy, discomfort can be prevented by using an ergonomic chair, if necessary use a pillow or additional support to increase comfort. In addition, use personal protective equipment that can be used in accordance with operational standards in your work area to prevent injury and unwanted things.

Tips for Comfortable Working When Pregnant

Here are some tips to keep pregnancy comfortable at work.
  • Keep moving and get some rest when tired.
  • Eat on time and prepare snacks between meals.
  • Wear special clothes for pregnant women that make them comfortable.
  • If items in your workplace cause pain or pain, consult this matter with the relevant division. If necessary, use protective equipment to prevent injury while working.
  • It is better to avoid working more than the expected time.
If you encounter conditions that are not suitable for working while pregnant, consult a doctor. If necessary, pregnant women can discuss with the leaders in your office for adjustments recommended by the doctor during pregnancy.


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