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Find Out Baby's Sensitive Skin Care Here

Baby's skin is very delicate and sensitive, different from adult skin. You might expect a variety of products specifically designed for babies that don't have a risk for sensitive skin, but they don't. Special baby products often contain substances that have the potential to cause irritation or allergies. In addition, there are also chemicals, fragrances, dyes on clothes, detergents, and various other products that can cause various problems such as skin irritation and diaper rash. No need to panic, diaper rash and skin problems in infants, can utilize petroleum jelly.

Common Problems with Baby's Skin

Baby's skin, especially newborns, is sensitive to various rashes and skin problems. Fortunately, most of these rashes are harmless. Here are some skin problems that often occur in your child, including:
  • Diaper Rash

  • Diaper rash is a common condition that can make the skin feel sore, red, scaly, and sore. This makes the baby become fussy or uncomfortable when changing diapers. Diaper rash is usually caused by irritation, fungal or bacterial infections, allergies, and wet or dirty diapers for too long. In addition, new foods in babies can also trigger diaper rash. Generally diaper rash lasts several days or more. Babies most often affected by diaper rash include those aged 9-12 months, sleep using diapers, start eating solid food, are receiving antibiotics directly or breastfeeding for mothers who are taking the drug. Diaper rash is characterized by red, sore skin, the baby becomes fussy or uncomfortable when changing diapers.
  • Prickly heat

  • Prickly heat is a small, prominent red rash that feels itchy. Prickly heat can also cause stinging or burning sensations such as pricking the skin. Generally occurs a few days after exposure to hot temperatures or humid air. This skin disorder can appear in any part of the body, although it often appears in the neck, face, back, chest, or thigh area. Infants and children are more susceptible to prickly heat, it is because their sweat glands are not fully developed.
  • Eczema

  • Eczema can cause rashes and itching in babies. This complaint can make the skin hurt if the Little scratched it. This condition often occurs in infants with a family history of asthma or eczema, infants who are often exposed to detergents, soap or baby products with perfume, hot air, to cigarette smoke.
  • Cradle cap

  • Cradle cap is a dandruff-like head crust that often appears on the baby's head. This condition usually improves on its own within a few months, but you need to clean it if the crust looks itchy and irritates your little one.

Repel Baby Skin Disorders with Petroleum Jelly

Problems with the baby's skin should not be considered trivial. Therefore, care for your baby's skin must also be considered carefully. If your child has diaper rash, you can try the benefits of petroleum jelly to treat it. It is common knowledge that petroleum jelly has amazing benefits for your skin. Petroleum jelly can be used for face, dry body skin, chapped or dry feet and chapped lips. Not only is it useful for mature skin, creams and ointments containing petroleum jelly can help soothe the skin and protect the skin's moisture. In particular, the benefits of petroleum jelly can also prevent diaper rash and Little Eczema. For its use is quite easy. Clean and wipe the little skin affected by diaper rash by using a towel to dry. Then apply petroleum jelly. Then petroleum jelly will form a protective layer of skin. It is recommended to apply petroleum jelly thick enough to obtain optimal benefits on the baby's skin.

Tips on Caring for Baby's Sensitive Skin

In addition to using petroleum jelly for Little Diaper rashes, there are several ways to treat baby's skin, including:
  • Bathing the baby regularly. Not necessary every day, babies take a bath at least two or three times a week. Use warm water, not hot water.
  • Change your baby's diaper as often as possible. Clean gently and thoroughly using baby wipes. Also make sure to buy diapers that are free of scents or fragrances of the right size, so as not to cause friction and cause blisters.
  • Use products that are safe and specifically for babies. It is important for you to look for products that are free of phthalates, parabens, and fragrances because these chemicals are potentially harmful to your child. Choose products that are made specifically for babies, such as shampoo and bath soap specifically for babies who are not poignant in the eyes. Also make sure to keep the little skin moist by using a special moisturizer for him.
  • The use of baby powder. According to experts, the use of baby powder can run a risk of causing health problems for your child. If you still want to give baby powder, choose baby powder that is free of talc (talc) and corn starch (cornstarch). Both of these ingredients can cause respiratory problems in your child. Also avoid powdering the baby's face.
To treat your baby's skin, Mother can provide petroleum jelly to keep moisture and protect her skin from diaper rashes and eczema. Not only adults who can experience skin problems, babies are vulnerable to experience it. Immediately check your Little One's condition at the doctor if diaper rash or skin problems in the baby do not immediately improve or get worse. Beware also if skin disorders trigger bleeding and itching, your child cries every time he peed or defecated, and the fever.


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