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Easy Steps to Wash Hands Correctly

Washing hands with soap is the best way to stop the spread of germs, rather than just using water alone. This simple habit has proven to play an important role in helping prevent the spread of germs and reducing the number of sick children throughout the world. Spread of germs through the hands very often causes disease. Therefore, the United Nations has launched the Global Handwashing Day (HCTPS) which is held every October 15th. This is done to promote the habit of washing hands with soap in the community. The goal is for the infant mortality rate and prevention of infectious diseases to have an impact on people's quality of life.

This Easy Steps to Wash Your Hands Correctly

Here are the easy steps to wash your hands with soap you need to know, namely:
  • Open the water tap and wet your hands.
  • Use enough soap and apply to your hands until it covers the entire surface of the hand.
  • Rub your palms alternately.
  • Don't forget to scrub the area between your fingers and the back of your hand.
  • Clean your fingertips alternately by closing them.
  • Clean both thumbs alternately by grasping and rotating the thumb in turn.
  • Then, place the tips of your fingers into the palm, then rub gently. Do it alternately with the other hand.
  • After that, rinse your hands with running water.
  • Dry your hands immediately using a clean towel or tissue.
  • Use the towel or tissue to cover the water tap. And complete the easy steps to wash your hands with soap that you can do anywhere.

Choices of Soap and Effective Duration for Handwashing

At least, it takes a minimum of 20 seconds to wash your hands thoroughly and effectively. Don't forget to teach your kids to wash their hands properly and also your family members. But you need to remember, only washing hands using soap that can eliminate germs and reduce the risk of disease effectively, compared to using water alone. All types of soap can be used to wash hands, both soap, ordinary soap, antiseptic soap, or liquid soap. However, antibacterial or antiseptic soaps tend to be used more often because antibacterial soaps can kill germs well. In essence, to get rid of germs when washing your hands, you need to wash your hands with running water and soap. If soap and running water are not available, you can use antibacterial wipes. Although not very effective compared to washing hands with soap, antibacterial wipes are believed to be able to reduce the number of bacteria on your hands. You can also use alcohol-based hand sanitizers if hand washing facilities are not available.

Danger of Not Washing Hands

Whatever you or Little One do today, will definitely be related to germs. Germs in your hand move easily to the mouth when you eat. This certainly can endanger health. Washing hands is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your family from illness. Getting used to washing hands using soap can reduce the number of people suffering from diarrhea by 31%, and reduce respiratory diseases such as colds by 16-21%. Here are some dangers when you don't wash your hands:
  • Generally, people often touch their eyes, nose and mouth unnoticed. That can make germs easily enter the body through the three areas that you touched earlier. Washing your hands with soap before eating can prevent you from getting diarrhea, respiratory infections, and skin and eye infections.
  • When you eat without washing your hands, germs in your hands can get into drinks and food, either when you start preparing food or when you consume them. Germs can multiply in several types of food and drinks, which can then make you fall ill.
  • Germs from hands that are not washed, can certainly move to other objects. For example, toys, door handles, or table surfaces.

When should you wash your hands?

You must wash your hands with soap in the following situations:
  • Before eating.
  • Before, during and after preparing food.
  • Before and after treating someone who is sick.
  • Before and after treating wounds.
  • After using the toilet.
  • After changing diapers or cleaning your child after using the toilet.
  • After sneezing or coughing.
  • After touching the trash.
  • After touching or cleaning animal dung.
After knowing the importance of washing hands with soap, it helps you immediately practice the easy steps to wash the hands that have been described above. Washing your hands properly is not just to commemorate Global Handwashing Day every October 15, but making hand washing a daily habit can certainly help prevent you and your family from diseases and germs that are always lurking.


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